The Time I Had a Sugar Baby

I was 28, she was 18.

i have lived a moderately interesting life

don’t stand so close to me

we met at the amtrak station in Wilmington

i was going to NYC to see my then girlfriend, who was about to study abroad in [redacted] for five months

she was a beautiful [national origin i hadn’t dated before] stoner girl attending UDelaware1 

she was taking the train home for fall break

she asked me if she was waiting for the right train, because she had never taken one before


that should have been a tipoff, huh?

i said stoner girl; you should triple what you implied from that

we talked a little, she said she was studying [redacted] at UDel

she was adamantly going to be a grower

we got on the train

we didn’t sit together at first

when her pre-existing seatmate left, she waved me over

she was cool

she was hilarious

she was smart

she was a freshman… 😬

she and her mother had an incredible life story

and she dealt weed

i didn’t have a consistent weed dealer, so i popped the question

and she said “yes! yes myles i will sell you weed!”

oh, at this point she had a boyfriend too

was there a little vibe going on?

sure, but not a “lets cheat on our significant others” vibe

anyways she gets off, and i continue on to NYC to see my girlfriend

i text stoner girl when i get back to Delaware, we chat

couple weeks later we get high and watch IT in theater2

and i buy some weed


my girlfriend flies back from [country] three weeks later and visits for a week

looks in my phone while im in the shower

gets furious i hung out with this stoner girl

and we break up

i wasn’t in the right, i know that

i should have told her i met stoner girl and was going to hang with her

but looking through the phone?

total invasion of privacy

and since i had never cheated, not remotely warranted3

also i was going to break up with her at the end of the week

i was laying groundwork, sue me

an indecent proposal

this continues for a couple of months

every few weeks we hang out and i pick up some weed

she breaks up with her boyfriend

he [everything here on out redacted]

i edited her complaint to the office of student conduct

anyways its maybe a month after that incident

i think we had smoked and seen a movie

on the way back, she starts talking about how her friend has a sugar daddy

and how cool it is and how her friend likes the supportive relationship

and so on

so i just ask her “[stoner girl], do you want me to be your sugar daddy?”

and she says yes

this is like, my 2nd year of practice

making ~$180


“let me think about it”

we text about the parameters

ultimately, ima experiential person

and the situation was ethical

we had open and honest discussions about our expectations and needs

both of us found the relationship fulfilling

and there always prior consent

oh we never had sex

she had safety issues and i completely understood that

we worked on them together

have you ever used one of those remote vibrators?

controlled by an app on your phone?

try it

i think it was $800/month stipend

i would usually spend another $500-$1k a month on dates, gifts, clothes, etc.

she came from very little

i liked impressing her and buying her things she couldn’t afford

she supported me too

i was having a torturous time at work

she would get me lit and give me time to talk out my feelings

she would focus 100%

physically comfort me while i talked about what was happening

play with my hair (i melt)

that’s what these relationships are meant to be like

mutual support, as agreed on by both parties

zero ethical issues imo

intermezzo 2

do you know your favorite cardinal sin?

mine is lust

just being honest


i couldnt think of a good title, sorry. email me suggestions plz

one day she dropped off the map, stopped responding

it scared me, but i wasn’t going to invade her privacy

i set up a google alert

i care about her and want to know shes doing well, sue me

it hit 15 months later

she was doing great

that was a weight off my chest

we talked during my breakdown in 2020

i wanted to hear her side of the story

and whether i had been a positive part of her life

so i reached out

she said what i rlly hoped she would

it had been a positive experience

and support when she really needed it

she said she went silent because she felt overwhelmed

and had some guilt about being a sugarbaby

thats it

no big ending

she has a life, i have a life

both of them continued

oh she would come hang in my office while i worked late

a partner came back late, met her

he instantly clocked the age gap

next day he was like “she’s over 18 right?”

i was like “she’s 18”

he was like “she’s hot”4

i was like “truth”

and he was like “im jelly, don’t get married”5


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