Telling Our Stories - Mika MacDonald

Recorded for Inclusion Tennessee. We exist and deserve to exist.

If you interacted with me regularly before, do watch the video. See and hear how much someone can change.

For extra emphasis, my YT channel still has my podcast episode from 8 months ago. Go see and hear the difference. It’s fascinating (in my opinion).


1. Introduce yourself (name, pronouns, a little bit about your transition or when you came out)

2. What are some of your interests? Why did you decide that you wanted to live in this area?

3. Tell us about how your life changed once you transitioned or came out; how did your life change? How did your mental health change?

4. What does it feel like to be on the receiving end of such hateful attacks by state legislators?

5. If you could say one thing to a state legislator writing these bills, what would you say?


(this will take you to the website) (cuz it’s 5 MB and obviously I can’t send that by email)


(this will take you to youtube I think) (or my website, maybe?) (cuz its 35 MB and obviously I can’t send that by email)