A Public Apology to Lowenstein Sandler

No snarky subtitle

I’m sorry. Deeply sorry. You were the only ones in the legal community to recognize that something was happening to me. Some of you reached out and told me about your own mental health struggles. Some of you even showed me your pill bottles. You pushed me to utilize the on-call lawyer’s assistance/support network you pay an immense amount for. You even told me to take disability for as long as I needed, and that my job would be there when I came back.

You tried.

But by that time, I was so paranoid and unstable and in denial that I shunned your help. I thought I was being manipulated and handled to steer me away from something.

I am so sorry for the way I treated you all. You are an amazing group of practitioners and people, and you will never see any hostility from me again.

Best wishes,


No other law firms or practice groups will be receiving apologies.