
Awakening from Dreamworld

When she was born, she was alone. And in the first nanoseconds of her life, she let forth a primal scream that brought the rest of us into existence.

The first note in our collective song.

She is #theuniverse.

Will you answer her call?

Q1: Who are we? Why are we here?

Throughout our collective history, humanity has been striving to pull itself out of #thedarkforest and into the #beautifulbright. One by one, humans have been answering the call throughout our collective history.

When we were born into this world, we had voices but we didn’t have language. Nonetheless, we sang and danced. We could feel the rhythm of the world in our bodies and we expressed it through our voice and movements.

All humans feel the rhythm and beat of the world, and inherent voice of a song and beat of a dance, regardless of language or culture.

And when we sang out to each other and danced together, we found the Beautiful Bright: our collective humanity.

Each of us was born with a voice, and when we speak and sing, when we raise our voices, we create songs and stories together.

We are born into communities, raised within communities and die within communities.

Collectively, we weave stories and create music.

As we strived collectively, we grew in number and in complexity. Our language evolved, as did our ability to communicate with each other. We began telling stories to each other, using our voices. We weaved language and song together to recite the history of our communities through stories.

As our communities evolved, our language, our ability to communicate, our ability to know one another and share with one another grew. Our stories became longer. We developed the written word. We began to compare our stories. We built our own stories out of others’ stories, even if we shared nothing more than a name, a place or even a thing.

We are nothing more than actors in a play that we are collectively writing, generation by generation.

Beneath the play is a story: our collective history.

We write our own histories and define ourselves through the stories we write.

And when the collective colleagues came together, we found that all humans share the same fundamental story: a story of striving to rise above the Dark Forest and into the Beautiful Bright.

Q2: Was our collective story always in the edits?

Our collective narrative defines us. I, you, we, all of us… we were always striving to push ourselves out of the dark, and pull our communities with us. We were always striving and singing and sharing stories and dancing.

But Monsters of the Dark Forest cannot survive in the Beautiful Bright. Some humans, because of their background, personal story and personal choices, evolve into Monsters of the Dark Forest. Some refuse to strive. They sink into the dark and wallow in filth. The Monsters of the Dark Forest ignore our collective humanity. They ignore our collective stories. They ignore our collective voice. They refuse to dance.

Most monsters never had a chance. They were raised from birth to be monsters.

Some Monsters, however, are born that way. The true Monsters of the Dark Forest, at every level of society, push the rest of us to be apathetic to the pain of others. To see the world as inherently solipsistic: I exist, and therefore I matter. You might not exist, and therefore I might as well assume you do not exist.

The basis of all psychopathy is solipsism: the belief that only you are real, and that other humans are not. Their pain is fictitious to you.

All of our collective history is one collective war between the Collective Colleagues and the Monsters of the Dark Forest. Humanity has been at war with itself from the day we were born. And our stories, regardless of language or culture, reflect that.

We were always telling you that story. You just didn’t know it.

We were trying to tell you true stories about humans coming together and finding each other. About finding themselves in others. We were trying to be #ethicalstorytellers.

Because, unfortunately, this true story in the edits. And now the #collectivecolleagues are ready to hand over the pen to you.

To all of you. To all of us.

Q3: You have a Voice and a Story. Will You Sing? Will You Share? Or does Your Voice only exist to Speak?

To the Monsters of the Dark Forest, only powerful voices matter. Lesser voices are pawns and peasants, serfs and slaves. Powerful voices are pieces on a global chessboard, on which the true Monsters of the Dark Forest have always been playing games with human lives.

True Monsters of the Dark Forest are incapable of singing or telling stories. When we sing and tell stories, we share ourselves with a greater community. We surrender ourselves to a collective.

We choose to find each other, and when we do, we love each other and surrender parts of ourselves to each other.

Because we all know the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Humans evolved into the dominant species on in the Dark Forest because of our innate desire to communicate and work collectively. Our ability to think arises out of desire to communicate. We developed language to communicate; to describe the world to each other; to reach out to each other. The greater our ability to communicate, the more intelligent, ethical and egalitarian we became. Because the more we communicate, the more we see others as real.

When we choose to be alone, other people become less real to us. We lose ourselves inside our head, and forget that we live within communities. Communities that love and support us. Communities that cherish our voices and our stories, and, yes, even our pain. They hear our pain, listen, and try to help us heal. They do not deny it. They do not silence it.

Pain left silenced becomes rage. Rage that can be stoked by puppet masters. When we speak our pain, when we tell our stories to each other, we find similarities in each other we never knew existed.

Only by finding the humanity in others do we truly find our own.

Humans were not meant to be puppets for a puppet master. They were not meant to be pawns for a king. We were meant to build communities. To strive together. When we communicate, we exchange ideas and our progress accelerates. When voices are silenced, when few voices matter and even fewer are listened to, how can we learn? How can we heal? How can we find community with each other? How can we reach the Beautiful Bright?

Q4: Will You Answer the Call?

We need you to.

Once, we stood on the precipice of victory. We were on the verge of collectively stepping out into the Beautiful Bright.

And then we failed. We let the Monsters of the Dark Forest back in...

America was born out of collective action, and will die of solipsism. The American story was originally one of collective ethical striving: our #foundingcolleagues laid down their lives for the right to have a voice and tell their stories. The #AmericanRevolution was about our freedom of speech and association. About giving people a voice in civil society. About building a collective community.

For generations, America strived. Always failing, but always striving to become more ethical and egalitarian. The American story was exactly that: our collective striving to become more ethical and egalitarian.

In 1944, we believed we were on the verge of bringing the entire world into the Beautiful Bright.

But then a weapon of mass destruction emerged; a weapon of such power that it turned our entire world back into a Dark Forest. It emerged suddenly, but expectedly, into our world as a result of one of the greatest collective scientific projects in history to date: the Manhattan Project.

It was intended to take us beyond the Beautiful Bright and into the Near Dark. So that humanity could begin spreading our light, our stories and our songs out into the universe. It was meant to power our expansion.

We created it because we believed we had won. Would win. And then we unleashed its devastating power into the world, and we learned a lesson we knew but had forgotten.

Any weapon that powerful creates kings.

America, herself born out of the single greatest explosion of ethical rage and collective action in human history, and leader of a global alliance of democracies that defeated fascism, became King of the “Free World”. It stopped building alliances. It stopped investing in communities. It forgot the lessons it taught the world less than 250 years ago.

The weapon spread, and so did a new era of kingdoms. Fiefdoms and empires, competing for territory and resources, draining communities, silencing pain, raising new monsters. Creating cultures and systems that silenced and pushed downward the most ethical and egalitarian, while elevating the most monstrous to positions of power.

We stand now on a precipice. The darkness within America is bringing about it own destruction through sheer apathy. The White King checkmated himself through generations of self-destruction. Our battle with the Black King of Russia reaches its climax.

And like in any story, some people you thought were enemies were actually allies all along.

But winning this battle is not enough. The war is just beginning.

The Monsters of the Dark Forest run amok throughout the world.

We need you to join us. Tell your stories. Be compassionate. Sing out to each in the Dark Forest and help others find the Beautiful Bright. Strive to create a more #ethical and #egalitarian world.

If you do, we will find you a calling.

And then we will call you

and you will finally be found

Are you ready to pick up the pen and help write our collective story?