
I'm ready to move on with my life

I was in a manic episode when I started this. 

I don't regret telling my story. 

But I'm ready to move on in my life. 

For anyone who did read and follow the story, I appreciate your interest. But the focus of this substack moving forward will be on mental health and pro-social calls to action.

Not relentless trolling of law firms.

I will still talk about my experiences.

But this substack is about me finding joy in expressing myself openly for the first time in decades. I love writing and find it cathartic. And I have an articulated point of view on many things, and, I think, an ability to convey human emotion through my posts.

I also enjoy roundtable discussions and shooting the breeze with friends, and will continue to do a weekly podcast with Fox Capone.  

I acted crazy because I genuinely went near crazy. I was frightened.

I believe I did my civic duty by stepping forward. I can’t control how the world reacts to that, especially since it took a near-psychotic break for me to summon the courage to do it. I burned bridges and relationships and credibility.

I’m recovering now. I’m reorienting myself, my mental health and my future career. And I’ll keep writing because I genuinely love it.

