[ORIGINAL] Change Is Coming


I study memetics, and I consider myself a professional memeticist

#changeiscoming #ideasareunstoppable

Be ready, ready for it

Be ready, be ready

Ooh, ooh ooh

(Let me out)

Persuasion is a science, not an art.

And nothing is more persuasive than beautiful art.

These are #mymemes: #interactive #storytelling #experiences (ISEs).

We made these for #youandyouandyoutoo.

I hope you like them.

“Memes” are units of information.

A “Meme” is a very simple idea, designed in such a way to spread like a virus.

It’s not hard to be a memeticist once you understand the foibles of human nature and decision making…

Some important tenets to develop:

  1. Memetics is performed at the population level.

  2. Memetics is studied at both the population and individual level.

Underneath everything else in society, a war has been raging: #LovevsMoney.

And I’ve decided to switch sides.