
A long term process

I was given some very sage advice today:

“give yourself permission to not think about working for a while”

And all I could think of was how foreign that concept is to me. To genuinely not think about work or my career.

For the last six years I obsessively poured myself into my work during my manic cycles.

Work was the center of my life and lifestyle. And it was constantly on my mind.

To not think about it leaves a gaping void in my life.

And that’s the scariest thing of all.

Other than friends, videogames and family, I neglected to build an exterior life for myself. And without work, and with COVID lockdowns, my life feels empty.

How do you start rebuilding in the age of COVID?

Writing online and making podcasts is part of that.

When I started writing, I was manic. Now, I’m sober (for a relative definition thereof).

My post yesterday has seventy unique viewers.

That makes me feel better. It makes me feel understood, and empathized with.

When I feel alone, the readership numbers make me feel a little less lonely

So thank you for listening to me as I work on repairing my mind.

I hope my writing makes you feel a little lonely too.

