Do Not Fear the Reaper [2020 MANIA ORIGINAL]

my mission statement


My Personal Statement of Purpose: I keep it real and woke

Aight look

I keep it real and I don't think I'll ever change

This is the 21st century. #boomers never understand technology so they never understand how we communicate using it.

When I first decided to become an influencer, I began by live-drafting, on LinkedIn, a Debsian Exhortation and Call to Action towards my generation of the #legalcommunity (since knocked down by TRO).

Deep in our souls, each and every one of us longs to build a more #ethical and #egalitarian world.

We grew up with people of color. We grew up with the LGBTQ community. We grew up believing women are peers.

We grew up believing that all humans deserve to be treated with human dignity.

We, unlike the #boomers, have witnessed their pain and struggle up close.

We grew up with them, and we see them as human because we know their voices, their stories, and their pain.

We know that the #boomers have failed to fix the problems in our world for generations. We know that #management works to silence everyone, us included.

We know that #collectiveaction works. We have witnessed it live.

We can and will #unionizebiglaw.

We can and will demand #lawformetoo.

We will be #ethicalactivists. We will build a better world.

We have to. Or our generation will be the last generation.

Well… I keep it real and I don't think I'll ever change…

I'll never lie if you can look me in the face…

I swear to God that weak shit isn't in my veins…
I'll never change…
You Don't Know My Life
Yet. Stop Rushing to Judgement and Read

Myles R. MacDonald, published Nov 21


A Warning to My Former Profession

Sep 26

/root/sys/admin /loading [#themaestro] ... .. . ERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR ERROR ERRORERROR  /merged [#themaestro/#dukeofstohelit] ... .. . If you take !@#$%^&*(yourlove) away from me | I'd go crazy

I'd go crazy||||||||Crazy||Crazy | I'd go insane

The Law is not a business. It is a profession. A calling. An institution in and of itself. We swear oaths. We are not businessmen. We are professionals, with a duty to guard the judicial system of the United States.

I do lie, yeah, lie, yeah | I do lie | I do lie, yeah, lie, yeah | I do lie

Every business in the United States depends on #biglaw to function. Without #biglaw, the economic activity of this nation would grind to a halt.

I do lie, yeah, lie, yeah | I do lie | I do lie, yeah, lie, yeah

I do lie

Lawyers are as inevitable as death and taxes; that's a reflection of how complicated modern society is, and how important our legal system is to its function.


You | Lie yeah

When we forget how important we truly are to society's function, we, as a community, are complicit in society's collapse.

There is nothing real when you got everything | You can take everything | Cause you are my everything

Our constitutional structure is on the edge of collapse. Our profession could make a difference through #collectiveaction.

There is nothing real when you got everything | You can take everything | Cause you are my everything

One day I woke up and realized I am a privileged white male who is probably just going to fail upwards. So then I asked myself "Why not me?"

There is nothing real when you got everything | You can take everything | Cause you are my everything

If you are reading this, you are far more privileged than the average American.

There is nothing real when you got everything | You can take everything | Cause you are my everything

So I ask all of you: why not us?


Why I did what I did

Myles R. MacDonald, published Sep 28

#whydidyoudowhatyoudid? #wasitnarcotics? #areyoubroken? #didyouFup?


Do you feel better?

Yeah, actually. I do.

The Good Place (amazing show, go watch it on Netflix) taught me one central lesson:Being ethical is about striving. You will fail. You will make mistakes.Only by striving to do good do we become good. Only by acknowledging others' humanity do we truly find our own.I'm done for a bit. I told all of you my story. I told you why I left #biglaw and why I believe we HAVE to take #collectiveaction to save ourselves, our humanity and our country.I am one man shouting on a platform for attorneys on purpose, and dropping the posts into Fishbowl. I am adding hundreds of followers each day. I laid out a template for organizing union groups.I am trying to use #PresidentOrange's messaging tactics for good. But I'm a 31 y/o privileged white dude in an apartment in Nashville.I joined the #legalcommunity because I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. I think I have a voice that speaks to the better side of us, the same way Trump seduces us with our worst instincts.I want to see a better world. We can reform ourselves through #collectiveaction, and if we do, we can save our country. Or we can let it die. I've done what I can.You have a voice and story. It should be your right to tell it.