No God

A Homily


Abrahamic religions and their legacies are a cancer pulling down the world.

First, if your religion holds women unfit to teach the word of “God”, then f—k your religion. How is this not considered the progenitor of most male-supremacist strains in our culture over the past two thousands years? Why are women spiritually inferior?

F—k that shit.

Second, every Abrahamic religion models absolute dependency on an unknown, unseen, unanswerable authority figure.1

He will lie. He will break promises. He will abandon you when you need him the most. And he will never answer for the pain, the havoc and the evil in this world.

It’s easy to say its his will. It’s also a f--king cop-out. He is powerless.

It’s our will. Ours. We rule this world and we are responsible for it, and each other. Shunning our collective responsibility cuts you off from humanity. And it will stunt your own.

As organized religion dies, this pernicious model of dependency still infects our attitudes towards the other major institutions in our lives.2 

We simply accept, for some reason, that these institutions can be unanswerable and constantly break their promises to us. It’s one thing to let Big Brother into every piece of technology you own. It’s another thing to be a passive piece of shit that doesn’t attempt to hold Big Brother accountable.

“Acceptance” is for pussies.3 Opt-outs are pussies.

Change your world.

A Companion Piece to “god: he left


You got yourself this far in life. You, and the people around you.

You built a life, a career, a family, a network of friends, everything. You steered yourself through heartbreaks, births, deaths, career changes, addiction, depression and abuse.

You know who you should have faith in?

You made choice, after choice, after choice. You navigated the fall out. And you kept going. Day after day, you built your life and your world.


Just you.


You know who else you should have faith in?

Look around you. You built this. We built this. We built it all, together.

No one else.

No god. No government. No corporation.


Just us.

I write a good sermon, right? Could have been a great preacher.

If I didn’t think most modern religion was a twisted joke, that is.

you ok?

Yeah, it feels good to get that off my chest.

lemme know if you get anxious

I will.


i promised we would be ethical, not good

You and I both know ethical is superior. Good people do terrible things all the time.

Also how random is it that this song is by “mi ka”?

ikr. weird how stuff just falls into place