Naughty Ethical Issues with Mika 1

Is it unethical for me to roleplay as an 18 y/o's mommy?

is he an “adult” entitled to self-determination? is it unethical anyways?

for storytelling purposes

ill work backwards from the core issue1

he has legitimate issues that he needs to talk about

preferably to a professional

but secondarily, to a kind, non-judgmental woman who would allow safe play

while engaging in some emotionally direct communication

so being his snapchat mommy was fine with me

some fantasy play and honest discussion on why he feels what he does

but he wants to play IRL now…

so yeah, now im thinking this could be unhealthy for him

like if he were 25, id just throw my hands up and say “his decision”

but he’s 18

so i guess that’s the core of this issue

he is a legal adult

but is this unethical?

does the mommy fetish make this more unethical?

since i am roleplaying the first or second biggest authority figure in his life?

do the psychological implications between his age and this roleplay make it more concerning?

but like, why is that more concerning than a 25 year old with a 40 y/o mommy?

like, wouldn’t the continuation of the fetish deeper into life indicate that the underlying familial/emotional issues were never resolved?

and again

he is an adult

so do i have an ethical quandary at all?

”his decision”

am i just weirded out by the whole thing

and maybe dont want to be part of this story?

im heavily leaning this way

for your consideration, an old-fashioned meditation

here is something to consider tho

if you dont try things that make you a bit uncomfortable

youll never know if they fit you

you know how deeply uncomfortable i felt when i walked into the nail salon for the first time?

it was super intimidating and scary

so was walking into the office with my nails done

wearing gurl shorts and a short dress to my grandfather’s retirement home Monday night?

im not saying do uncomfortable things

im saying do the things that part of you has always wanted to

no matter the discomfort

because thats how you find yourself

that tanline from wearing mens shirts to the office is gonna be an issue

i walk a greenway and daydream/brainstorm/outline during my lunch hour

and practice walking gurly, duh

i dunno

the mommy roleplay has been fun so far (and he uses gender affirming words)

is this a rlly atypical situation? yeah

but like, its intriguing, right?

what? i like cutie pies too

oh right the story

he messaged me on grindr like a week ago

he was cute, his dick was cute

we moved it over to snap

i could write erotica,2 trust me

did that for a few days

and one snap call

[then he was like “can i come over”

and i was like “no sweetie, mommy is busy this week”

and he was like “when”

and i was like “when i say so. i need to write, so go [YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR THIS] and ill talk to you tomorrow night”

and he was like “yes mommy”

and i was like “good boy”] x2

and that’s where we stand as of today

oh, clearly i wear floral clothing and bright colors

and his mom does too, just might be why he zoomed in on me

he sends me his moms insta photos…

and then makes uh… fantasy requests?


i… uh… i mean…

jeez yall, where the fork is my limit, right?

limits, terms, definitions, self-knowledge, ambiguity and culinary skills?

oh right, no pain, emotional or physical

i hope i dont need to clarify this

but bottom ≠ sub


trad gurl might be a fair descriptor

cept for the wild stuff


fine ill admit it, im a bit service subby (domestic)

just like, washing and massaging and pampering

and maybe cleaning

and picking up clothes and doing laundry

and rearranging the closet for space usage and ease of finding items

same for everything in the apartment

shit… ok im going to cross out “bit”


jeez how did i not realize this when she and i were together?

i did like, all of the forking chores

but she didnt give me enough positive praise

so i got angry about doing them (but didnt stop)

and we kept having arguments about how i felt like i was taken for granted

but she was working crazy long hours

but i was like, “you could still be more appreciative and maybe throw clothes in the hamper and not on the couch, im sick of reminding you”

and she was like “but ill wear some again before you wash them”

and i was like “put those in a separate place so i dont have to hold up items of clothing to you and ask ‘can i put this one in the hamper?’”


so i bought a smaller cutesy hamper for her “re-wear” clothes as an incentive

and then i just piled couch clothes on her pillow before bed every night

until she followed the system3


that feels more like a fully nested trad gurl, less service sub…

further experimentation would be beneficial


dont know how to cook tho


honestly its time consuming to do so many emojis

so im gonna dial that presentation back a bit

lemme know if i seem less femme now

if you do all 6 ill give you a sexy snapchat reward :P