The Laughing Man

I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those Deaf-Mutes.

šŸ’ šŸ™‰ šŸ™Š

blood diamonds

more people used to be willing to die for things, right?

a lot of people died for the right to unionize in this country

the national guard was used to suppress and murder strikers

they still didnā€™t give up


i dont need to elaborate on how many people had died and continue to die to advance civil rights


the only people ive encountered that are willing to die for something are soldiers

i dont think that makes them heroes or all of that bullshit

the military pays well and has incredible benefits

its a job theyre well-compensated for

but you should absolutely respect the willingness to die for something

people die involuntarily for causes now

i mean, its taken dozens of brutal executions of black people

to get white people to start giving a shit again

cuz we elected Obama and gave ourselves pats on the back for a decade

while paying zero attention to what was happening on the ground everyday


which part of that was inaccurate?

like, weā€™ve sacrificed children and adults for decades

so stupid people can fire assault rifles for fun


i own a shotgun and hunt, btw

assault rifle purchasers are callous, selfish assholes

trust me, ive met plenty of them

and they all exude small dick energy1

let's take a very utilitarian view on solving gun violence

if you show up at a billionaire boarding school and murder 30 scions

youā€™ve probably done net good in the world

because ultra-powerful people will actually give a shit

now that it affects them personally

murdering 30 ultra-rich kids probably saves thousands of lives over the long run

obviously im not gonna do that, this is a thought experiment

am i wrong tho?

im not. im absolutely correct and you know it

how forked up is that?

that killing the aristocracy would help the world?


no wait thats super typical throughout history


lets say youre an executive at DeBeerā€™s

and you knowingly promoted the sale of blood diamonds for decades

how many people died for you?

honestly, you deserve to die

youā€™re a mass murderer hiding behind corporate entities

the world would be better without you


again just a thought experiment

Early in my life I was taught a very reasonable rule by my father: donā€™t get into fights with assholes because you never know how crazy they might be. Very reasonable.

Itā€™s also wrong. If everyone cowers before assholes and abusers, then society degrades. Assholes become more emboldened. Why wouldnā€™t they? They start to multiply: nascent assholes see there are no repercussions and evolve into full grown assholes. Why wouldnā€™t they? Societal trust deteriorates. Communities deteriorate. Tribalism increases. Xenophobia increases.

a close encounter of the asshole kind

ive been weaning off nicotine2 by not vaping from 8AM to 630 PM

this is relevant


two weeks ago I gently pushed the nose of my car into a sedanā€™s passenger-side mirror. not enough to break it, just to push it forward on its hinge

i was in a chicken fight with an asshole

so i made it clear that his car was more expensive

and mine was much bigger (subaru forester, totes recommend)


here is the scenario

two lane road, one lane is closed as you get towards the 4 way intersection

asshole is the car behind me

he peels out from behind me and pulls into the lane that is closed

and tries to merge back in front of me


i make it clear thats not happening

i pull forward, he pulls forwards and angles into my lane

this happens like 4 times

so i tap his mirror


he gets the message

i pull ahead

he merges behind me


at this point my adrenaline is through the roof, my hands are quaking

im split between terror that this guy might get out of his car

and hope that this guy gets out of his car

because i have a safety knife in the dash (it has a seatbelt cutter, stuff like that)

pretty sharp blade


you never feel bloodlust?


when someone grossly offends my ethics

i just want to destroy that person


anyways i took a left and got into the far right lane

he turned left and got into the left turn lane

obviously this guy is as frightened of me as i am of him

both of us could be carrying pistols (cuz the South)


he rolls down his window (big and tall guy in his 50s)

and starts shouting about how he would shoot me if he had his gun

i say the same thing back

he shouts it like five more times and then takes the left turn

heā€™s just another asshole that folds when you fight back


i was trembling for days, couldnā€™t focus at all the next day

i canā€™t process that level of negative intensity, it was excruciating

but i was proud of myself