Just Because I'm Weird Here

Doesn't mean I'm weird irl.

i am tho

but less so

they say never trust a ho

but what do they know?

i feel like lifting the veil because (1) irl is super busy rn and (2) i feel like i should be more transparent since youve stuck around this long πŸ‘

i started taking dance classes! ive said how beautiful i find dancing. now im finally learning after being scared for a decade!

contemporary on wednesday nights, hip hop on saturdays πŸ’ƒ

im better at the staccato movements of hip hop, but ill master both eventually πŸ‘

down from 238 in february to 208 now! 33 more to go! πŸ‘

hm. got my ears pierced last saturday. WAYYYY more painful than i expected and we went to sky’s piercer (i.e. highly skilled, a bar was used, not a gun). i guess i just have sensitive ears? 😬

sky and i went to Play (nashville’s best dj-ed gay club) after getting my ears pierced and partied till 3 AM. first time ive done that in like, 5 years? πŸ’ƒ

i love my new career. creating durable analytic/visualization tools that are used on a daily to weekly basis feels much more rewarding than agonizing over a brief for 50 hours and tossing it in the trash post-hearing πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

not trying to be a dick to the lawyers πŸ‘

my team is awesome and my manager is amazing. intense, but very engaged and supportive. company’s work culture, at least in my office, is fantastic

im 3 months into a 6 month contract to hire tho

since im not a dumbass, ive been meeting with recruiters to explore options πŸ‘

on the other hand, im the alpha developer for most of the tools i create. alpha developer is always hardest to replace; lots of leverage πŸ‘ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Coming in November January 2022:


my first installation! im literally wiggling in excitement!

i broad-stroked my version of the game1 for yall already, if you wanna do some detective work in the old emails

its an AWCY thing; there were availability issues, obviously

i would love for the games to start on Halloween for sentimental reasons2 

pics not related

not sure if Going On will receive drops this weekend

its like writing a brief; the intro and ending are easy, its the body thats hard πŸ˜‰

and the most important πŸ˜₯

2AWCY reserves the right to reschedule, remove or replace any and all art installations without warning