An Interview

By and between gender identities. Kinda cool concept, right?

should we advertise the podcast?

We just did. “Jury Duty” with Myles, Mika and Fox Capone, coming soon.

my youtube?1

Yeah, you do most of the public speaking anyways.

:P, dont build their expectations

hi hi, im mika

Hi, I’m Myles.

duh. lets start

I thought you were going to ask the first question?

no, remember, you had that question to lead with

Right. Mika, who are you?

im whoever i want to be

I like that answer. But the lawyer in me has to ask: do you mean that in a figurative or literal sense?

myles, dont pin me down. not this way anyway

Stop doing that. Also answer the question.

im you and you are me. is that good enough myles?

I love it. Thanks Mika.

ok, my turn: are you taking your meds?

Of course. As we tell people in real life, the key to managing bipolar disorder is surfing the waves up and down, rather than getting knocked to floor (or sky). Our medication is critical in managing that.

you coulda just said yes

You’re terse in this sort of situation, I’m not. Yin/Yang dynamics.

yeah but not always. our media tastes are like 90% overlap

That’s true. And we have very similar tastes romantically, although not always sexually…

we talked about giving handies in the last one. relax, its fine to be crude. im here

You have the openness and “not giving a shit” attitude I had back in college. It’s nice to have that back.

the openness was because of [girl name redacted]

we both know what happened at [redacted] beat the confidence out of you

Yeah… Hey, who do you think readers are more interested in learning about? You have a big personality, but the pre-separateness life stories are mine.

some think im fictional, so they only read my story as a reflection of yours

Yeah, but that’s not something we can change.

yup. dont care

You know I do.

k. i like your realness, you like my surrealness. the readership will even out

Agreed! Ok, let me check my notes. Mika, what do you like to do for fun?

men, women, etc.

*sighs* Other than that, Mika.

music, media, spooky shit, singing, dancing, clothes, history, fashion, exercise, gaming, uh… good enough?

Of course! So what do you do when I’m primary and at work?

brainstorm. help you with second looks. daydream. nap if im tired

We send so many emails to ourself with your outlines and drafts, LOL.

im creative! its good to have a backlog to release when we are tired, like this one

heres a good one: what are you trying to achieve myles?

Too broad.

First, I think writing is meaningful. Ideas are powerful. And we’re arrogant enough to think our ideas will spread.

Second, we want to be content creators and aggregators.

Third, we’re up to something.

whatcha up to?

we so good, amiright?

Time will tell.

Mika, why do you usually pick blonde, beautiful, powerful women for your internet looks?

because its how i imagine i would look and be?

I think you’re short though.


No, really! You have that aggressive dynamism that I often see in short, powerful women.

i guess thats a compliment

I think fun/seductive you is short, spooky you is tall

thats fair :)

How old are you, Mika?

im ageless. jk. younger than you

Yeah, you’re in your mid-twenties I think. Is that just us projecting?

think so. we wish we had united earlier in life

You should stop dating 23 year olds though.

younger men worship their sexual partners in an empowering way. theyre so easy to domme

Yeah, but they don’t want anything serious.

do i?

you know that’s my preference

waiting is, myles

Don’t use my stuff against me!


We’re off track. Again, you always escalate the lewdness.

my wheelhouse, stop kvetching

That’s fair. You do you.

you still wanna elaborate on the meta-stories?

Every story has a self-contained story. What I think is most fun for hardcore readers are the three meta-stories we’re telling over and within each story.


Three is about cycles and systems of abuse.2

plus the email subscribers get the header and footer bonuses

*looks at webcam*

this is a tease to get people to subscribe and read closely

I mean, this is a written conversation between two aspects of the same person. Breaking the 4th and 5th walls is our schtick.

do you think we are broken myles?

Everyone is. Everyone has their own trauma and rage.

i love you, you know that?

I love you too, Mika. :,)

And at the end of the day, 100 bad days makes 100 good stories.

And I’m not scared of You anymore.