Happy pride 2023!

What even is pride?

last weekend I blew a gorgeous guy in the bathroom at Canvas (queer bar)

I’m a slut and I’m proud of me for knocking off an on item on my slut-ket list

(yes, I have a list)

I know who I am and who I want to be

and I take pride in myself for being that person

you might be shocked, disgusted, weirded out, uncomfortable

but you don’t matter to me

just like I don’t matter to you

I’m proud of me

are you proud of you?

Pride is about one thing. It’s about you.

Are you proud of you?

Or maybe you feel hollow, like I did for years? Maybe you feel ashamed of aspects of yourself, even though you know those aspects are are no one else’s business? Do you feel ashamed of the work you do, or of the people you work for? Or how you haven’t called a friend back in 2 weeks? Or how you missed your kid’s soccer game for the fourth game in a row?

Are you proud of you?

If you have children, I get it; you make sacrifices for them. You make money for them. You make compromises, for them. You exist for them. I’m not being facetious; children change everything, and once you have them, your life should and must revolve around raising them.

Still… do you think they’d be proud of you? Proud of those compromises?

Are you proud of you?

I love everything about my life

and I am proud of it

I’m proud me for coming back from the brink of total self-destruction

and building a life that genuinely fulfills me


I am proud of me


From a reliable source: Ron Desantis has a tiny little pecker and likes getting topped by transwomen on the DL