Happy Pride!

A Special Short Story From Mika

this is a good one, trust me, i wrote it :)


this is any person other than myles and i


just chilling, gaming, browsing lol

ur in [redacted]?


mm im rlly into that :)


omg yes please :)

heres me!!

aww thx.

and yup, didnt you see that on my profile?

jk who checks

ur so tall! i bet u could pick me up :D

what time?

i can host, roommate is out of town

nice lemme know when ur close, gate code is [55555]




…want a drink?

Yeah, what beer do you have?



…thats all i wanna do tonight, k?

Sounds fun to me. Safe word?



sit down, take your pants off

fuck yeah

What you expected?

even bigger



slow down… can you spoon me?


also pull harder

Yes maam lol.



can we chill like this for five more?

Sure babe.



I'll hit you up when I'm back in town.

i would love that :)

  1. what gender identity did you mentally assign to the characters, if any?

  2. did the penetrative roles establish a masculinity hierarchy in your mind?

  3. did the penis size reference establish a masculinity hierarchy in your mind?

  4. based on story alone, which partner was the “dominant” and the “submissive” in the scene?

  5. if you believe the “receptive” partner was dominant in the scene, and answered yes to 1 or 2, how does this impact your mental hierarchy?

The exact same f-king questions, cis women aren’t magical unicorns. A significant majority have internalized toxic masculinity that they enforce everyday in their interactions with men.

If you disagree, don’t email; just unsubscribe.

We don’t care how you think cis women aren’t part of the problem.

Do you fetishize dick size?

Dick size is a fetish, not a measuring post of masculinity.

If you have the fetish, you don’t always think of it as a measuring post.

If you think of it as a measuring post, you always have the fetish.

should we do a venn diagram?

No, they get it.