i got nuthin so here's some jokes n stuff

I dunno. writer's block broh. funny stuff below. market tested

i want a charlies angels remake with a trans bosley and three queen angels

im imagining a honeypot plot with a hunky cis-presenting russian agent

a scene where the most femme angel whips the shit out of a handsy bear at a bar and constant james bond double entendres

except at some point they stop being double entendres

and just become grindr propositions for kinky sex


who wouldnt want to see this? \

wasn’t Boomers’ biggest achievement beating the Soviet Union?

yeah, real nice work there guys

way to finish things when you had the chance1 

i feel like bottoms get to design elaborate scenarios and tops are like “as long as I get that ass”2

Do Jewish girls like me3 because I’m like, super aryan looking, and in today’s world you can’t be too safe so why not marry a smart, kind non-white supremacist blonde guy?4

I was talking to a 23 year old yesterday and he was telling me his first game system was a Nintendo DS and his first Fallout was F4. I was like, dude, my first game system was the Gameboy Color and my first game was Pokemon Red. And the following year I got the N64 with Super Mario 64.5 

F-k that made me feel old.

Y’all just kidnapped a black man!

We’ve been kidnaping white men for years, we wanted to give you an opportunity as well.6

i wish I could take credit for this one.7