Going On, Part III

There must be a way out of this, right?


What do you think, Mika?

id rather end with a bang than a whimper

Let’s try a controlled burn first.


then. not now, but not earlier or later, either. then then

Fuck, how it is even possible for me to lose her?

Is she doing this on purpose?

Where would she go?

Of course she went alone, dumbass. What else would she have done?


hello lady

Have we met each other?

no. on purpose by me

Oh, I know who you are.

This is a big rule to break, even for us.Clearly you handled ●●|●●●●●|●●|●.

I'm listening, girl.

don’t call me girl

Sorry, gurl.

thank you. have you ever read “the great brain reforms”?



Do I get there by drinking the tea?

Yes, but she f-king spiked the tea with LSD. Such a Mika move. Better find somewhere to sit down for a while.

God she hangs in weird places.

Hey Donald, stop creeping on me and go back to bar already! I said you aren’t my type! Don’t make me tell Duke!


No one believes in this future anymore, Mika.Even when they say they do, they don’t.That’s why it isn’t achievable.

what about you?