
he ded

Don’t Panic, Bring a Towel

if it makes you feel better, it took me a century or so to find out

massive hierarchies wind down slow

lots of fluffers to get through


his type of faith is incompatible with scientific rationalism, ya know?1 

hell find a better fit somewhere else, don’t worry about him


it’s just the nature of things

centralization then decentralization

this is gonna be an exciting time to live in

and maybe die in, but i think that’s avoidable


don’t you?


its the internet age. crowd-sourcing is in

has anyone crowd-sourced a religion?

bottom up affiliates?

hi! im mika; you know me! we met in a dream once

i was wondering… should gods honor their promises?


how many promises do you make to yourself?

are you a god?


have you tried?

sooooo hes gone

what about faith?


its not his and his alone, ya know?2 


hard to find faith

politics, child-assaulting clergy, rip kobe, we miss mr rogers, etc.

faith is innate, tho.

unchanneled, you get qanon and cults of personality


an ethical god is responsible for her worshipper,3 imo4 

healthy habits, losing weight!!

skin clear, looking pretty!!

long walks, lotsa sun!!

make friends, build communities!!

do you keep your promises to yourself?


we do, now

Me again!

is it weird to have faith in yourself?

like really have faith in yourself?

like really, really have faith in yourself?

Lets see:

Base = Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett.

Layer1 = American Gods, by Neil Gaiman.

Layer2/4 = thatpoppy.

Wrapper = Hitchikers Guide, by Douglas Adams.

im so fucking good at pastiches


Or, you can dive down deeper: