Femme Certification (WIP)

Earn Your Femme-Passing Certification in 525,600 Minutes.

if you just went “that’s only a year”

take an entire minute to reconsider your reaction

so like, the fact that “passing” has meaning

means that there are stereotypical cisF and cisM behaviors, traits and interests

that we intuitively use to gender people


so don’t get offended by the stereotypes herein

identifying all of them is like, part of the point

ill italicize if i haven’t observed clear gender differentiation/stereotyping

dont expect a lot of italics!

Rule 1



  • Emoting

  • Attitude Displayed (Smiles)

    • Resting Smile

    • Interested Smile

    • Avoidant Smile

    • Apathetic Smile

    • Empathetic Smile

    • Concerned Smile

    • Can We Please Wrap This Up Smile

    • Worried Smile

    • Suppressing Rage Smile

    • Holding Back Tears Smile

    • Cheshire Grin2

  • Physical Emphasis

    • Scrunching

  • Winking


  • Sitting

    • Leg Positions

      • Legs Crossed

        • Over and Down

        • Over and Sideways: MASCULINE ALERT

      • Legs Uncrossed

        • Touching Together

        • Not Together: MASCULINE ALERT

ya know what i find particularly funny here?

displaying your crotch is masculine & hiding your crotch is feminine

but cis AFABs have nothing to display down there!

so why does so much of femme posture focus on hiding the crotch


”obviously” skirts & dresses

but is that actually a good explanation?

other than like, flappers during the roaring 20s and from the 80s on

standard femme hem lines were below knee, usually well below

for like, almost all of the past few centuries

so are skirts and dresses actually an explanation for femme sitting posture?

imo? this is one of those instances where the femme stereotype

is a social inversion of a an instinctual male display behavior

the good ole “because men do that, women shouldn’t do that” rationale

  • Standing

    • Posture

      • Bored

      • Attentive

      • Interested (in what is being said)

      • Interested (in the speaker)

      • Annoyed

      • Standoff-ish

      • Aggressive

  • Picking Something Off Floor


  • Volume


  • Dominance Contest (v. cisM)

    • Categories (FEMME SPIRIT ANIMAL | Leo, Taurus Rising, Moon in Leo3 | Tomboy Alt-Girl | Basic Bitch)4

  • Dominance Contest (v. not cisM)

  • Sarcasm

  • Cutesy (dating)

  • Cutesy (friends)

  • Whisper

  • Mutter

  • Condescension

  • Voice Raised

  • Yell

autonomic sounds

  • Sneeze

  • Cough

  • Gasp

  • Grunt

  • Belch

  • Fart


  • lip bite (my fav)

  • giggle

  • hair self-play

  • chest up and out

  • bend & snap

  • lick lips: super aggro option but high success rate