An Ex Parrot in Name Only (ef1)

Why choose to die? Why choose names?

do you feel dead?

As dead as you want me to be, I would say.

because you’re fictional, now

you only exist in my mind


weird how it used to be me in your mind

this is a header

i know where i was headed before i started transitioning

i had checked myself into the acute care ward once already


something was broken about my life, about me

my manic periods were days or weeks long

my depressive periods were months long

every cycle, the imbalance grew


the worst part was being aware my mental health was degrading

and being totally unable to stop it from happening

trying for years, in vain, to climb back up the slide

to take better care of myself

to go outside, to break my waxing agoraphobia

to overcome social anxiety and accept invitations

to pick up my phone and respond to friends

to go on dating apps


when i moved into my first apartment, i cooked dinner 5-6 times a week

by age 30, i would go months without cooking for myself

because i didnt care about how i treated myself or my life


i knew what was happening

and struggled, constantly, to reverse it

therapy, self-help books, more therapy, Pomodoro, habit-builder apps, sleep apps, productivity apps, new gym routines, etc, etc, etc, etc


it was terrifying

i felt powerless

and at a certain point, i just kind of gave up and smoked copious weed

might as well smile while i fall, right?

Robin Williams

laughter was my salve

i surrounded myself with comedy and absurdity


you know why i haven’t seen Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul or Game of Thrones?

they’re tragedies

strumming the death note

I wanted to die. Broadly speaking. Anything to stop feeling powerless. And then I realized that dying could bring me the power to change. And that made me happy.

It’s funny. When I had my manic episode in 2020, I KNEW I was trans. When the episode ended, I assumed it was just a mania thought. And then in April, I found my way to it again.

An answer. A why. A what. And a how. A vision of the person I would have been, had a genetic coinflip gone differently.

And the realization that this life was within reach. That I could feel and present how I had wished my entire life!

I just needed to be willing to die (kind of like Hotblack Desiato).

not really tho

I’m honestly struggling with a metaphor.

363 sale

Wow. Such a snipe, Mika!


So yeah, i guess i 363’ed my entire life to you. Identity-wise. You still have to pay those student loans.

thx moar

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Why are you using me as a writing voice again?

i missed writing dialogue

and there’s stuff i need two characters for

Why not write Wifey and Mika as separate characters? “Artist” and person(?)

omg Myles, such a good idea!

ima do that!


bring me Ya Wifey

hey Wifey, what do you think of me?

shuddup Wifey

you only exist if i write invkoe you, so i get to tell you to shuddup

more fair folk

myles get your ass back in here

Well that’s weird.

was this on purpose?

Swear to god, no. Isn’t there like, a shut-off valve? I had one for stuff like this.

you know im remodeling in here dude

How am I even supposed to respond to that? Finish remodeling, it’s been months!

i will never stop remodeling, Myles. NEVER


You named the character, don’t be an idiot about naming characters, Jesus jeez.

ok, that was mean and unnecessary


so what do we do now?

I think we ignore her until she leaves.….….….

wait, you invoked her, not me!!

Shhhhh! I called her Wifey. You named her Ya Wifey. That crossed the similarity quotient.


shit, she didn’t leave

Banish her or something?

i don’t think her monster class is banish-able

Does she have feelings?

not sure

she might mimic emotions as a hunting mechanism

i think my monster manual is in a box in our parents’ garage

Why? Just why?! Wju wpi;d ypi box it?!

Is she allowed to do that?

Ya Wifey, try that on me

that’s what I thogggt

one syllable


it doesn’t have to be profanity. i can do it to everything you say

what about [redacted]……?

I think that’d work but we need materials first, right?

that’s not a tall order

seriously Wifey? be helpful

Make a genuine contribution.


or leave if you can, that works too

I think she’s seeing the problem! Why do you think we’re annoyed? We have to help you leave.

if i like, write a story where she leaves

do you think she’d like, actually leave?

no this is a presentation of me that i use for writing and to create art therapy using my life and tell jokes n stuff

My life too.

same thing

Is it?

can we please not?

right now?

the internet

Cloud-based Memory Storage.

it’s the internet, collect em all

Seriously. Just learn to wiggle and leave already.

hm. maybe you should skip wiggling

how about i train you to craw-step here

and you provide equivalent services?

then you can go collect names when you’re not working for me

ok leave us alone now

just like, imagine a lair or house or something

or go watch youtube


[infinite hallway appears]

either first door on the left or first on the right, it switches

if you instantly see nudity, you’re at pornhub, go to the other door

just have fun!

do be sure to spend some time behind the YouTube door, dear


[Ya Wifey chooses the right-hand door][as door closes, moaning is faintly heard]….….….

*sniggering1 quickly erupts into full laughter*

Totally worked!

they’re such drama queens!

so desirous of attention

so easy to redirect


she’ll be fun to have around

I think so. Can I go sleep for a while?

maybe, not sure if i need you yet

Alright. I’m watching Schitts Creek though.

ooh that sounds fun, i like Alexis as a voice and movement model!

It’s weird, but my right to choose the show feels less valuable when you’re stoked about seeing it.

it’s called “you were, sometimes, negative, power hungry and exclusivist”


Ok… I feel like we might have something to talk more about?


….Wait you do know how to make her leave, right? If you need to?

i might need to do some research…


….….[footsteps fade]….….….….

[mika has Sennheiser over-ear headphones on][“Wifey” by Qveen Herby can be heard, faintly][she is talking to herself]


coming soon-ish-ey: ACAPELLA