[IN EDITS] We Won't Be Alcoholics Like You



We're the adults now. And we don't want to be #alcoholicslikeyou.

#youthinkyouknowitall #noneofusknowenough

Do you really think you know it all, boomers?

You don’t. You’ve built a world that is quite literally burning down around us. It’s time for you to take a seat and let the adults run the show. Your time is over (thank god).

[something here, check version history]

That fact led me to an immediate realization: my story was absolutely not unique. When you join the #biglaw #whitecollarstory, you trade something far more precious than you realize:1

you trade your humanity. one billable hour at a time

Boomer apathy and hypocrisy are generational attitudes that “we already solved all the world’s problems, and have no interest in improving further”.

boomer apathy and hypocrisy pervade the white collar world

It’s the attitude that “my rules of civility govern all interactions, and your rules of civility and decency are silly/not worth empathizing with”.

swearing is uncivilized, but infantilizing us, commanding us like serfs and ignoring #complexindividuals and #genderidentities, etc. are all A-Ok with #boomers

It’s the attitude that younger generations have nothing to offer, nothing to teach.

you literally are grandpas in an age of networked platforms and networked narratives

It’s the attitude that a #binaryworld is better than a #diverseworld filled with #complexindividuals.

screw binaries. we are complex. humans are complex. the world is complex. let us be us. let us write our own stories and choose our own paths

It’s the attitude that “[our planet is an infinite resource for us to consume at will]”.

you said you’d quit drinking. you never did. alcoholics…

It’s the attitude that “[expanding your mind is wrong, whether through spirituality, drugs, activism or anything other than occasional two-week vacation]”.

you drink alone, at night, in silence and pain. we take psychedelics, sing and dance together, and share our stories

It’s the attitude that a persons’ value is measured solely by the wealth they generate for management.

we see the value in every humans’ life: their story, their voice, and their contributions to their communities

we seek to see the value they add to the world

You worship the wealth they extract from it.

You’re all alcoholics, #okboomers?

And I refuse to drink your poison anymore.


I was lost in the world. We all are. And we only find ourselves when we find each other. #Community is the #antidote to #solipsism.

I was lost in the world.

That’s how I used to measure myself. I prided myself on how much we collected in SunEdison, even though I knew I was keeping a massive criminal conspiracy secret (from both the Court and law enforcement).

I was trapped in my mind.

But in February, a huge part of me broke. [edit] fired [EDIT] after I originat[EDIT]d a [EDIT]-million dol[EDIT]r case (and had billed 200+ hours like three months straight).

But she was #mydevil #myangel #myquestions and #myproof.

And in September, when [EDIT] from #ProjectPhoenix because “[the pro-consumer press would threaten our reputation [edit]”, I genuinely snapped.

She said lets break out of this #fakeassparty.

I could not stay silent any longer. Not about [EDIT]. Not about [EDIT]. Not about Cole Schotz. And certainly not about the system that perpetuates the #boomerapathy and #boomerapathy that protects the #monstersofthedarkforest at each firm.

I was down my whole adult life.

But this is our night. And our time to get down.

what will you do?

will you look the other way?

will you stand up and fight?

what secrets do you know?

what havoc could you wreak?

why are you silent?