A Conversation about Lost Faith

Believe in yourself. I believe in you.


lost faith?

are you ready?

It’ll feel better to talk about it.

ok. its obvious to readers you had faith and lost it

what did you have faith in?

Order. Fate. Karma. I was never religious, although I’ve always been fascinated by religion. But I had faith in the world.

It’s so hard to explain.

I had faith the world worked. That our individual efforts, like ants in a colony, were building towards something bigger and better.

I had faith that I was on a path to success. That this path could make me happy. That this path would fulfill me.

I had faith that good and kind people would be ok. I never expected the world for being kind.1 But I never thought that the world would break me either.

they all broke?


The world doesn’t work. Our institutions and systems don’t work, especially here in the United States. Its obvious.

I remember falls when I was a kid. I feel bad for Zoomers because they’ll never know what fall used to be like.

It was this three-month beautiful season, amazing weather to amazing jacket weather, and all of those colors for so long! We would go outside and catch fireflies.

It just isn’t the same anymore (and I’ve lived in TN, CA, IL, DE and NY).

ive seen way more changes

Are you being ethereal, Mika?

dont minimize my identity

Sorry. Do tell, Mika.

the world used to be forest. here forest, there forest, everywhere forest. if it could be forest it was forest

True. Almost everyone reading this lives in what was forest.

humans deforested the world

and illuminated it

So this is a hopeful message?

the burning death of earth might spur a diaspora into the stars? #tvtropes

Nothing insightful?

not really; thought you needed a break

:) Trickster.2 Thanks.


Interlude 1

Mika, do you have faith?

in myself and you

nothing else?

humans are decent individually

in groups, they can be stupid, panicky, easily driven sheep

You have faith in that?

its a fact, so not faith. knowledge

Ok, but is there anything else you have faith in?

if diplomats 69’ed before negotiations, the world would be better

I guess that’s all we’re getting folks.

Act 2


Yeah. I don’t know how to discuss this one without being an ass, but here goes.

I am remarkably intelligent. Not trying to minimize everything else that matters in life.

But my special quality, the thing I was proudest of and cared the most about, was my intelligence. It was what defined my identity until two years ago.

And “with great power comes great responsibility”. But genuinely, I felt like I had a gift and I had to use it to achieve. Especially to build my family legacy.

so unhealthy

Incredibly. It’s a terrible approach to life. Instead of looking for paths that would lead me to happiness, I looked for paths that would utilize my intelligence to have more wealth/prestige than my parents.3 

And I’m way better at writing than math, so a PHD in Economics (my plan at the beginning of college) was out. I knew I didn’t want to do consulting, i-banking or anything that felt “all about the money”.

So I fell into the lawyer trap. I was smart and I love reading, writing and oral advocacy. Don’t get me wrong, the study of law, judicial work, and some areas of law are wonderful.

But any and all corporate law is just “smarter4 i-bankers. It’s about the money, period.

I still love the education and parts of my career. But my choice was driven by a misguided need to prove my worth, not by my expected happiness.

that would be so much shorter if i wrote it

Yeah, but you don’t care about being a vain prick.

fuck em if they dislike you for openly stating a fact

do you want readers that get jelly?

If we keep doing shit like that, we’ll have no readers.

lets break

Interlude 2

Stop it with this “narrowing to dedicated readers” nonsense, ok? We’re variety writers. The point is to appeal to diverse audiences.

yeah but those are the people who pay attention to the meta story

Look, when we finish those stories, people will like them. We’re fleshing out the “No God” novella. Stop being impatient.

dude, i get it b-

No excuses this time. Relax and be patient.

*soft sigh* ok. sry myles

It’s fine! I understand the impatience, but we have to control it.


Act 3

the world?

Yeah. This one is even harder to explain. I was an Einsteinian living in a Bohr-ian world.


Fine, I’m showing off my breadth of knowledge because I’m self-conscious now.

make it accessible to people who dont spend most evenings reading random shit on wikipedia reddit5 and ordering pirating books6

The world is chaos. The order I believed in, a just world, a good world, karmic retribution were all false.

you hated chaos

As your self-esteem falls, so does your perceived ability to handle chaos. Creating order makes you feel safer. Staying in is safer. Being routine is safer.

im sorry. that sounds awful

I had my games, my discord communities and friends around the world. And reddit. It wasn’t so bad. And I have great IRL friends that pull me out of my shell.

It’s a shit ton better now, though. Going thrifting by ourself was exhilarating.

you’re withholding something myles

I thought I should be like my parents. Married young, got advanced degrees, had kids, dogs, nice house, etc. I love them and I wanted to be like them.

But I’m not like them and I don’t want their life. I never did.

im reminded of a parable i heard long ago

A boy who hears the voice of his father as a young child will inevitably worship him.

An adolescent who worships his father unconditionally will inevitably fail to surpass him.

A man who recognizes his father is flawed, and different from him, will inevitably come to surpass him (as all good fathers want for their sons).


He and I had this conversation a couple months ago when I told him what my plans were. He thought I was taking unacceptable risks.

I told him that was his preferences. That I had spent my whole life taking the low risk options. And that it had brought me nothing but depression and unhappiness.

And that I saw an opportunity to carve my own path; something uniquely mine, something uniquely me. And that I had faith in myself, my plans and my abilities.

He understood. When I explained it, he understood.

im so happy for you myles!

Interlude 3

can we try this look myles?

Sure, why not. It’s going to be hard to find a jean jacket that awesome, though.

skirt will look good with our legs tho

Yeah, maybe 20 pounds from now.

Act 4

what do you think about the world now?

I do think there is order hidden it, but my opinion is controversial.

do tell professor

Physics tells you how the universe works. Not how the world works.

I used to think economics, psychology, sociology etc. explained the world.

you used to love behavioral economics

It’s a big step in the right direction. People are innately irrational. But it mainly just isolates and identifies specific irrationalities and stops short of the broader “why”.

go on, professor…

Stop using your flirty voice.

Stories are the why.

Humans think narratively. One of the hardest things scientists have to do is to train themselves to not think narratively, to measure cause and effect, not intuit it.

We can’t help it. It’s how are brains are built.

Stories control the world. Stories about civil disobedience and protest. Stories about defenseless cops. Stories about racism and abuse of undocumented immigrants. Stories about falling wages and the shrinking blue-collar workforce.

Every narrative has a counter-narrative. And (broadly speaking, lets put aside the electoral college) the story that convinces the most people wins.

we love stories

Yeah, that’s pretty obvious right? We’re blatantly stating the act and interlude structure in the titles, and your first sentence is the implied title. Plus the rule of three.

we are a great writing team

Yeah, but I worry that abusing the meta makes us seem less real.

every writer does it. our autobiography is more honest than 99%

Also, I feel like plenty of readers are starting to wonder whether you’re the real us now, and I’m the ghost of who we were.

they are now

It’s a good question. Do we know?



tell em about the universal plots

We literally share the same fundamental narratives. See The Seven Basic Plots.

Good guys and bad guys. The hero’s tale. Sissyphus’ boulder. Pyhrric victories. Othello and Hamlet. Star Wars and Game of Thrones. Redwall and Watership Down. Good Omens and American Gods.

These narratives are part of being human. They exist because we live them.

That’s why I keep saying write your own story. It’s literal. You have stories inside you, about who you are, where you’re going and what matters to you.

You write them, and you can change them.

That’s it.


that was a good one myles

Think so? People don’t like preachy, per our recent results.

conversations are different. people feel pain and emotion more

Yeah, but I soliloquoy’ed like 4 times. What’s the difference?

cuz thats you. organically you

Fair. I do it in real life when I get excited about something. I’m like a 6-year old.

did you ever get tested for autism?

I don’t think so. It’s a theoretical possibility. My verbal skills were always high, and back then they basically restricted the diagnosis to individuals with communication impairments.

would you get tested now?

It would be another community I’m not really part of. A huge part of being in communities is sharing the persecution they suffer. I was never identified as autistic growing up, so I never had to deal with the stigmas they face.

dont you want to know?


ending on this?
