Bonus edition

(sorry for the spam but I'm super happy rn)

bee met K for the first time yesterday and we watched K play Terraria and then we sat on the couch and watch the first Muppets movie and then I held hands with both of them and felt so uwu warm safe loved I actually cried a little but in a very happy way and then Bee and I went to pick up the pizza and we made out in the car a little and then when we got back I got to hold both their hands again and then K put her head on my shoulder and then Bee started massaging my hand a little so I cried a bit again and this time they noticed and then I said I felt very happy and loved.1

group dates are so nice guysI’m glad they like each other!I’ve officially upgraded Bee from “play partner” to “lover” :)

Who wouldn’t wanna collar me?

water/sweatproof primer (I went skating last night after Bee left)

maybelline 118 dewy

touch of blush

gold eyeliner half cup lower lid + wings

gold glitter with glitter adhesive

nude shiny lip balm


Maybe 10-15 minutes of work. the hair takes two hours to air dry tho. I literally have to blowdry or I'd never get anything done.

r/midjourney - Welcome to the "Infernal Rite" Parade! Credit: Dolly Cypher
r/midjourney - Welcome to the "Infernal Rite" Parade! Credit: Dolly Cypher

I dunno I thought I needed to add something else and make it weird?