[2021 ORIGINAL] The American Dream



Brought to you by Sto Helit Storytelling:

Do you ever feel like the world doesn’t make sense?

What if it didn't?

What if we were always playing video games?

We just didn’t know the code.

Sometimes it takes a team of uniquely talented #realtimegamers to #findthebugs and #breakthecode

As a society, we’ve spent the last four decades of our lives flitting between depression and mania.

Swinging in the backyard

Pull up in your fast car whistling my name

Our one true addiction is #avoidancebehavior.

And we love books and stories and games and videogames and music and plays and symphonies and movies and sports and anything to distract us.

Open up a beer

And you say, "get over here, " and play a video game

We also developed deep social anxiety as a society. We are emotionally constipated.

So we spent most of the last decade of our lives in silence.

Listening, thinking, but rarely speaking.

I'm in his favorite sun dress

Watching me get undressed, take that body downtown

And because of our professions, on rare occasions when we did speak, it was usually to #boomers and #grandpas filled with #boomergreed, #boomerapathy, and #boomerhypocrisy.

I say, "you da bestest"

Lean in for a big kiss, put his favorite perfume on

Whose #videogames do you want to play?


Build #yourgame. Make it yours. #Yourvoice, #yourstory and #yourgame.

This substack is my dream and my heaven. It’s where I truly express myself.

You have a voice and a story. You have pain. It should be your right to tell it.

That’s my true game (and #myQueens’ #gambit).

And baby, now you do

we could collectively negotiate for a better game…

Or will you keep playing #thedarkestgame?

This is all for you; everything #wedo is #forallofus.

Go play your videogames... but build communities

Please share my messages. It’s you, it’s you. It’s all for you.